Here are some frequently asked questions.
Should you have any questions that are not answered below, please contact us

Realestate Worth’s free property report service finds data from recent sales of comparable properties in the area. Price estimates are calculated based on available market data. The report is an online estimate and valuation of a specific property.

Realestate Worth provides you with a property report with an estimated value range powered by Domain.com.au and its related bodies corporate (PriceFinder).

  • Your property price estimated value range
  • Recent sales within your area
  • Detailed interactive map of your property and surrounding sold properties
  • Local area demographic information
  • Free consultation with your local real estate agent

A local professional can give you up-to-date information on what is happening in your local marketplace, as well as the price, financing, terms, and condition of competing properties. These are key factors in marketing your home and selling it at the best price. This is completely obligation-free.

The report is an online estimate with comparable of other similar properties like yours. The report is calculated on basis of generic information such as land size, number of bedrooms etc. If you have premium fixtures and fittings, or recently completed extensive renovations to the property they will most likely not be reflected in the valuation figure.

We will suggest you  wait for one of our experts to get in touch with you to discuss your property and give you a more accurate estimate of your property or email us at info@realestateworth.com.au

We will send you an email with detailed property report.